Make your experience abroad 
the start of a new life !

Coping with expat blues?

Feeling isolated? 

Struggling with integrating and making friends? 

Keeping negative feelings to yourself?


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Personal development workshops in Lyon

Want to find your path ?

Living abroad is a great opportunity to re-invent yourself !

You want to set a new direction for your life

But where do you start ?

My name is Juliette Potin.

I've always loved living abroad: in the United States when I was in high school, in Italy as a student and in Turkey at the beginning of my professional life.

After a 14-year experience in the manufacturing industry in France, as a quality manager and a project leader, passionate about problem solving and team management, I followed my husband to the United States for 3 years of expatriation.

From meeting new people to reflecting on what new direction to give to my career and from having time to decide what to do with it, from trainings to volunteering, I discovered a new culture and a whole new version of myself. Finally, an opportunity to align my lifestyle with my values.

Back in France since 2017, in Lyon, I trained in coaching and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). 
Today, I help foreign expatriates in France and French-speaking people coming back to their home country to make the most out of their experience abroad.

Client Testimonials


J'avais un très bon outil reçu lors d'un we de développement personnel mais les mois passaient et j'étais incapable de m'en servir pour avancer. J'étais bloquée. En quelques séances avec Juliette ça a été très vite réglé. Elle m'a guidée ou plutot accompagnée et j'ai fait un pas de géant. Ce fut un grand soulagement. Merci beaucoup Juliette !



I recently returned to France after 18 years in the US. Such a transition has come with great opportunities but just as many frustrations. I quickly fell into a spiral of negativity and loss of confidence and didn't know where to turn. Serendipitously, I met Juliette and took part in 3 coaching sessions that turned everything around. Juliette knows just the right questions to ask, has great advice and suggestions, and helped me find myself and a sense of confidence I thought was lost somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. 

What makes Juliette different than other coaches? The fact that she is French but has spent time as an expat herself in the US made all of our exchanges truly authentic because I knew she really understood my needs. Through visualization techniques, she really helped me regain a positive outlook and I've been able to push forward with projects with more energy and less self-doubt. I highly recommend Juliette as a coach!



Forte d'une précédente expérience positive de coaching qui m'avait aidé à fermer mon entreprise en difficulté et à accepter un poste de salarié, c'est naturellement que, presque 8 ans après, j'ai recherché une aide similaire pour me relancer dans l'entrepreunariat.

Le coaching par téléphone était quelque chose de nouveau pour moi et je dois dire que j’étais assez perplexe concernant l’efficacité de cette méthode - mes doutes se sont vite envolés et Juliette a très bien su diriger les séances et répondre à mes besoins, ce qui m’a permis de prendre des décisions importantes pour la mise en place de mon objectif: définir une date de départ de mon poste actuel et mettre en place une méthode de travail pour améliorer mes compétences dans des domaines nécessaires à la mise en place de mon projet. Je conseille vivement une telle expérience à ceux qui ont envie de rebondir !



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